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Dopoldnasko letenje iz Matajurja nudi odlične razmere in razglede na Julijske Alpe.

Zadnji letošnji vikend v Posočju smo začeli z letenjem na Kobali. 

3-dnevni podaljšani vikend v Posočju.


22/03/2013 - 12:56
The new Slovenian accuracy landing champion is Jaka Gorenc, who won in front of Matjaž Ferarič and Goran Đurković.
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17/03/2013 - 20:23
Tags: news, x-alps
Redbull X-Alps route for 2013 is chosen.
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22/09/2012 - 15:07
Tags: courses
In the autumn 2012 we are planning to do two more beginner courses - starts date 3.10.2012 and 10.11.2012. Course will be in Logatec and Prebold, transport will be organised from Ljubljana.
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03/09/2012 - 14:52
The epicness of this year's three task Serial Cup can be easily compared with last year's five task event.
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15/08/2012 - 14:34
Tags: trips, balkan
Letošnji Balkan TUR je spet minil v fenomenalnem vzdušju članov odprave, dobrem ravninskem letenju in uživanju balkanskega načina življenja :)
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22/07/2012 - 14:28
Slovenian paragliding champion 2012 is Primož Suša. He won with the EN-B glider of new slovenian manufacturer TRIPLE SEVEN ROOK.
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29/06/2012 - 22:00
Tags: festival
27. - 29. avgusta je v Posočju potekal festival prostega letenja. Zbrana sredstava smo namenjenili Simonu Vogrincu, za okrevanje po nesreči v Sarajevu.
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30/04/2012 - 15:20
Tags: competitions
Yesterday we moved the task from Tolmin to Lijak due to strong wind and cloud cover.
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23/04/2012 - 15:56
Tags: competitions
Nice task today in great conditions. 80 km long task, mostly in the high mountains. Manny pilots in goal today, first one is Jurij Vidic, second is Jamie Messanger, third Dusan Oroz.
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23/04/2012 - 07:56
S podaljšanim prvomajskim vikendom začenjamo novo sezono kampa Gabrje. Po muhastem aprilskem vremenu v Slovenijo v drugi polovici tedna prihaja toplo in sončno vreme.
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