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Odlični pogoji in množična udeležba za termin med tednom. 

Zadnji vikend v Posočju smo zaključili s popoldanskim letenjem na Stolu.

Pa smo/ste ga dočakali. Letenje iz najvišjega registriranega vzletišča v Sloveniji, Mangartskega sedla.


10/12/2013 - 09:52
In these cold winter days we like to remember more pleasant, warm days that we spent in good company while camping and enjoying the natural beauty of the Soča Valley.
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09/11/2013 - 20:39
Tags: festival
We would like to welco0me you to the festival, organised by Slovenian free flying asocciation.
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27/10/2013 - 16:46
All the Serial cup 2013 lectures are now online! Marko Hrgetič talked about Starting cylinders  an
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27/10/2013 - 16:19
We will organise the official FAI-2 event in March 2014. Exact dates and schedule for the competition we will announce soon.
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27/10/2013 - 14:03
Tags: up, equipment
The Austrian Thermik Magazine is actually the most widely read publication in our sport.
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18/09/2013 - 13:40
We would like to invite you to the beginner courses, which we organise end of this season. Autumn time is perfect for starting with the paragliding sport in Slovenia. 
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30/08/2013 - 06:45
We had one more amazing week. Lots of flying and lots of new knowledge. Check more info about the competition here. 
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25/06/2013 - 20:09
Tags: xc course
Nice XC flying from Italy to Slovenia. Most of the pilots flew over Tolmin mountains into the heart of Julian Alps. 
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22/05/2013 - 15:09
Tags: news
We are currently renew our website and our activities. First on the list was moving the web store to new adress: Check it out!
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29/04/2013 - 14:55
First paragliding competition in 2013 Camp Gabrje season has finished with 2 valid tasks.
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